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metadata.dc.type: TCC
Title: To what extent have the frameworks adopted by the European Union proved effective in cyberspace?
Authors: Zitta, Gabriela Robl
metadata.dc.identifier.orientador: Oscar Medeiros Filho
Abstract: Cyberspace is an intangible and decentralized domain that transcends the normal physical boundaries and allows for better connectivity, however, it presents significant risks. The rapid technological advances redefined the international relations and the common national security strategies, given the reliance on digital infrastructures. This thesis aims on exploring the intersection of cyberspace governance and international cooperation frameworks, particularly through the lens of neoliberal institutionalism. While examining the role of international agents such as the EU, it´s regulatory frameworks and NATO, it is noted how global governance has adapted to mitigate cyber threats. Key frameworks like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the NIS Directive have been essential in promoting collective measures for cyberspace across Member States. Through case studies like the SolarWinds, NotPetya and WannaCry attacks, this article evaluates the effectiveness of said frameworks in ensuring cyber resilience, addressing cross-border challenges while enhancing a more productive cooperation between state and non-state actors.
Keywords: Ciberespaço
Cooperação transnacional
Segurança colectiva
Governação cibernética
Citation: ZITTA, Gabriela Robl. To what extent have the frameworks adopted by the European Union proved effective in cyberspace?. 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais) - Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais, Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasília, 2024.
Issue Date: 2024
Appears in Collections:REL - Graduação

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